Book Review: Killer Rumors (Book #1 – Frank Rinelli Series) By Antonello Fiore

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3 Sakura’s

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killer rumours

Blurb: Father D’Angelo and Bakeman, two devoted priests were brutally murdered while going on one of their nightly walks. Detective Frank Rinelli is called to the case- not only due to his close friendship with the priests, but with his expertise of tracking psychotic killers. Rinelli suddenly discovers these murders were based on a scandal that occurred several years ago at the same Church where the two murdered priests preached. And it doesn’t stop there. The list of people being murdered in connection with the scandal continues to grow until the killer has his ultimate vengeance- and the truth released.

Now I received this book for review from the author some time ago, requesting an honest review of his novel. Now I’m not the biggest fan of crime/murder novels but they have been growing on lately, so I thought it was time to give it a read. (Sorry it’s taken so long Antonello). 

I started reading it, and I honestly thought ‘this sounds interesting – should be good’. The first chapter sets the plot, by the murderer plotting his crime of revenge by killing two priests. This sounded fantastic, I must admit. But then it changed. Before I say the things that didn’t quite flow, or grab me, let me firstly say – the plot was great, the flow was nice, if a little slow for my liking, and the whole idea for this book was interesting to say the least.

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I liked the killer – I know that’s a bizarre thing to say but I did! Apologies for the spoiler but there were two murderers, the one that I liked was The Solution – Honestly, I don’t think that was the best assassin name ever but I’m not a gangster, and I don’t kill people. Quite likely this is an appropriate name. He’s cool, calm, collected, and prides himself on his work, and skill. 

I felt, out of all the characters portrayed in this novel, that the killers were the only ones that seemed realistic, and three-dimensional. There was more of connection with them, by me, than with the rest of the characters. I mean the detectives that were following the case, seemed a bit flat – personality wise. 

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Unfortunately for me, what I didn’t like was the constant change from 1st person, to 3rd person, and past/present tense. It just didn’t work for me. Either the book is in 1st person or 3rd person, not both! As a result, it took me a long time to feel some type of connection with the characters, and then it ended up being mostly the killers (as I’ve said).

Also I didn’t feel any real intrigue, or that I was trying to unravel the crime along with the detectives on the case. I would have liked to of felt like I was there, right along with the cops, through the thick of it, trying to solve the reason for the murders but that didn’t happen. Everything was explained too easily. I had figured what it was all about before I got half way through the book, which to me was not a good thing. I wanted to try to guess but have twists, and turns to the novel that made me realize I was wrong or that made me second guess myself … but that didn’t happen. I was expecting much but the book didn’t really deliver what I anticipated it would. 

But other than that, I think the book is good but needs maybe a little revision, and it needs an editor to look at it. It has much going for it, murder, revenge, crime solving – the story is a good idea, which I really liked. The idea of a priest going bad because he lost his priesthood, then goes out for revenge, Hell … who wouldn’t love to read a book like that!?

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I think if you like a good crime story, it’s something to have give a read. Anyone who loves crime, murder, detective novels – this one you will want to add to your ‘to read’ list.

Amazon UK – Killer Rumors
Amazon US – Killer Rumors
Lulu – Killer Rumors